Discover your level of emotional intelligence by choosing your favorite candlestick: it will be a surprise!

October 6, 2024


James Jackson

Personality tests are fun and fascinating tools that help us explore ourselves in new and surprising ways. These tests provide a unique insight into our personality traits, preferences and lifestyle. They can discover aspects of your personality that you may not know or confirm what you already know about yourself.

Your favorite candlestick reveals your level of emotional intelligence

The personality test we offer you today is based on choosing an image from three possible candles. Your task is simple: look through the pictures and choose the one that appeals to you the most without thinking too much about it.

Your choice will reveal characteristics related to your level of emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence refers to our ability to recognize, manage and use our emotions effectively. It is a crucial aspect of our personality and can influence our lives in many ways, from managing stress to building meaningful relationships.

Choose your number one candle

If you chose image number one, you are a person with a high level of emotional intelligence. You have an excellent ability to manage your emotions and those of others. You are able to understand the complexity of your emotions and use them to guide your actions and decisions.

You are an attentive listener and respectful of others’ feelings, making you a valuable friend and thoughtful partner. Your sensitivity allows you to form deep connections with the people you meet.

Choose your number two candle

If you choose image number two, you are an intuitive and creative person with a good level of emotional intelligence. You know how to deal with your emotions and use them as a source of inspiration for your creative ideas.

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They are open to change and accept the natural course of things with dignity. Your ability to adapt to unexpected situations shows an emotional maturity that helps you overcome obstacles with poise.

Choose your candle number three

If you choose image number three, you are a pragmatic person with a good level of emotional intelligence. You know how to balance your emotions with logic to become a rational and balanced thinker.

Although you may seem reserved, you have great empathy, allowing you to understand others deeply. Your emotional intelligence allows you to maintain a calm and sensible demeanor even in the most stressful situations.

Thank you for taking this personality test! If you liked it, please share it with your friends and family. Remember that any personality test is just a fun introspection tool and should not be taken too seriously. You are a unique and wonderful person, regardless of the test result!

James Jackson

Hi there! I'm James, a 32-year-old puzzle enthusiast and brain teaser aficionado. With a passion for quizzes and fun personality tests, I strive to challenge minds and spark creativity. Join me on a journey of fun and mental gymnastics!

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